Anesthesia Release Form

Anesthesia Release Form
Client's Name
Client's Name

I am the owner or the authorized agent for the owner of the animal described above, and I have the authority to execute this consent. My signature below certifies that I am over eighteen years of age.

I have been informed that there are certain risks and complications associated with sedation, anesthesia, and/or any operation/procedure and that the risks/complications have been explained to me. These risks include serious bodily injury or death and these risks are present in any procedure that requires a general or intravenous anesthetic. I further understand that during the course of the operations or procedures, unforeseen conditions may arise that may necessitate the performance of additional procedures deemed necessary by the veterinarian. It is understood that the veterinary staff will be continuously monitoring my pet and using all precautions in order to insure a healthy and comfortable procedure and recovery. I am encouraged to discuss any concerns I have about these risks with the attending veterinarian before the procedure is initiated.

I authorize the use of appropriate anesthesia and pain relief medication as needed before, during or after the procedure. I have been informed that there are risks associated with the use of any medication.


The nature of these operations or procedures has been explained to me and I understand what will be done. I am aware that the practice of veterinary medicine is not an exact science and, thus, there are no guarantees for successful treatment. I have been encouraged and given the opportunity to discuss any questions I may have regarding my pet's medical care and my questions have been answered to my satisfaction. I accept that my financial obligations remain regardless of the outcome.

I have read and understand this authorization and hereby accept and agree to the terms of the consent for treatment.

By checking this box and typing my name, I authorize an electronic signature.