Customized Wellness Exams for Pets in Irvine
At Irvine Valley Veterinary Hospital, we know how important regular pet wellness exams and care are for your furry friend. We also know that no two pets are the same, which is why we customize our pet wellness exams according to age and individual needs. Puppies and kittens and adult pets require different care, and senior pets need more specialized treatment. By discussing a schedule of care and performing routine physical exams, we’re able to keep Irvine pets in tip-top shape.
Wellness Care That's Unique
to Every Pet
To provide better care for our patients, we offer customizable healthcare plans to our members. This ensures that pets get the care they need, not one-size-fits-all treatment. Also, we’re dedicated to working with every budget to better serve our fellow pet parents. We can build a custom plan for all pets, including puppies and kittens, adults, seniors, those needing dental care or chronic illness management, and more.

Preventing and Diagnosing Veterinary Issues
Pet wellness exams can alert us to potential medical issues before they become serious. We perform a complete nose to tail examination on your pet to look for any health concerns. We’ll also discuss any changes since the last time we saw them and ask if you’ve noticed any unusual behavior. If we’re alerted to any possible conditions, we’re fully equipped with advanced in-house diagnostics to run the proper tests and obtain results as quickly as possible.
Pet wellness care includes examining and checking for the following:
- Tartar build-up and inflamed gums, which can indicate gum disease
- Irregular lumps and growths that may be cancerous
- Unusual weight gain or loss
- Vitals, including heart rate and temperature
- Dandruff, allergies and other potential skin problems
- Stiff or achy joints
- Runny nose and eyes

Meet Your Pet's Essential Needs with Our Primary Care Membership
Please schedule a new pet’s wellness care visit with us at Irvine Valley Veterinary Hospital so we can determine a schedule of care. Puppies and kittens should receive their first round of vaccinations at six to eight weeks old and adult pets should receive certain vaccination boosters every year.
We want to make regular pet wellness care as easy on our clients as possible. Through our Primary Care Membership, clients can stay on top of their pets' care and save significantly on their treatment from year to year.
Contact us for an appointment today!